Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Minor Setbacks --> Big Commitments

I haven't written in a while, but as I have no followers yet I have no one to apologize to but myself. I've encountered some minor setbacks with my disease recently.

Firstly, I thought that after three months of strict diet I was set to start reintroducing foods. That's exactly what I did (although it was more like 4 months). I was much less strict with my fruit intake and even allowed some sugar and gluten in. Keep in mind, my sugar intake was far less in comparison to most people but for someone who's suffering with Candida it was overkill. When I went to the doctor again in July and had blood drawn I was sorely disappointed. I found that I was still not close to curing my Candida and still had a long way to go.

Secondly, my blood test was also conclusive on the facts that I am allergic to eggs, chocolate, milk, and almonds. Life seemed a little unfair and I had a rather large breakdown. I wish I could say this made me stick to an even stronger diet, but it threw me off track and I continued to eat things that fed my Candida.

Well, now I'm three weeks into college and I had been mostly strict with myself again. But I got a surge of motivation to completely get over this -- hence I am on a cleanse.

The cleanse I'm doing is specifically for Candidiasis and is found here.

I'm not going to lie, this is one of the most awful things I've done in my entire life. I am currently on day 3 and symptoms of die-off are kicking in hard. This morning was nausea, dizziness, fatigue, and elevated heart rate. The past three days I've had a constant headache. My mood swings have been everywhere - my roommates have dealt with my angry rants about how stupid this is and then, less than 30 seconds later, my crying about how I can't do it anymore. I'm weak and it's hard for people to relate why I'm doing this or why I feel the way I do.

My mother and sister-in-law have been my best friends the last 2 days. They have been extremely suppportive. Another source of support I've found is through Candida webpage forums. It's so much easier talking to people who have already done this sort of thing. I'm not sure if I can last another 4 days, but I sure hope I can because from what I've heard it will make me feel a lot better.

I'm ready to be healed and I want to kick this Candida out of my body, so I'll drink (more like gag down) volcanic ash nutrients and fiber twice a day. I'll eat only raw or steamed vegetables. I'll drink another drink with ginger and garlic burning my throat every night.

My heart truly goes out to anyone who has done this cleanse, and please contact me if you need help or support if you plan on doing the same thing. Much love.